Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who's Who in the Crew? Spotlight on: the Sound Designer

JANNA R. LOPEZ RÄVEN (Taos Pueblo, Yaqui) received her theater degree with a specialization in Sound Design from the University of Victoria, British Columbia. She has sound designed for Native Voices at the Autry’s productions of Kino and Teresa, The Red Road, and The Berlin Blues; and was the Special Effects (SFX) Recorder for SUPER INDIAN and the reading SFX recorder and sound effects artist for The Further Adventures of Super Indian. She also sound-assisted and programmed the SFX computer for Michel Tyabji for Native Voices' production of Salvage. This past year, she sound mixed for Jaxxtheatrics' children's program for "Willy Wonka, Jr" (7 wireless mics) and sound mixed Jaxxtheatrics (15 wireless mics) for the West Coast musical premiere The Life at the Stella Adler Theatre. She is also the Sound Designer for Embodi and Obnoxious; the Sound Stylist for the Antaeus Theatre Company in 2006; and was a Native Radio Theater National Audio Theater Festival Participant in 2006.

I first met Janna last Saturday, and it was the first time we heard the sound effects for the show. She is very quick! I say this because you can just see the wheels turning in her head. She is very knowledgeable, and studied with a famous sound designer in Canada.

Aside from that, Janna and I share a love for Harry Potter. When she heard my cell phone ringer she said, "Um Harry Potter, duh." Awesome!

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